Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lyrics to Where Can I Turn For Peace...

Where Can I Turn For Peace? Where is my solace?
When other sources cease to make me whole.
When with a wounded heart, anger or malace,
I draw myself apart, searching my soul.

Where when my aching grows, where when I languish,
Where in my need to know, where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand, to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand, He only one.

He answers privately, reaches my reaching.
In my Gethsemane, Savior and friend.
Gentle the peace he finds, for my beseaching,
Constant He is and kind, Love without end.

(written by Emma Lou Thayne)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Where Can I Turn For Peace...

A hymn entitled "Where Can I Turn for Peace" has been my mantra these past few months. Work has been hectic, tax season was upon me, two spring family birthdays and misc. other events have all taken a toll on my blogging. Still I have continued to work at search for a peaceable walk. I've had some failures and some successes. I've struggled and I've seen growth. I guess this is the whole point of this. I knew at the inception of this blog that I would come to periods where I just couldn't see to fit it in. I had to be ok with that. I knew my store and my homeschooling would take over at times. Ebb and flow, learn to ride the waves of life in a peaceable way. Be still during the times of stress. Be still. Continue to listen to the spirit guide and take mental notes. Written ones will have their turn again.

Yesterday at church we had a lesson on journal keeping. I wasn't much up to commenting (having a rough day physically with issues related to my gastric bypass) but I was moved to re-prioritize my record keeping. I have a tendency to be wordy. Some days just don't allow for that.

I need to really work on all the journaling I have on the little floppy drives. I've talked to my son about that -- so I'm part way there to accomplishing that goal. I'll feel much better updating my journals to more current technology. At some point I guess I'll figure out how to incorporate these blog records to my media storage files. For now, its enough and I am continuing on this path towards a peaceful life. I am finding the strength I need. I know I'll have bad moments and that is ok. My objective is to continue to seek for peace.