Friday, June 24, 2011

A New Kind of Peace

Small, sweet smelling, sometimes fussy, most times precious...a new baby.

A little wonder made his way into our lives, hearts and homes at the end of last month. I wasn't quite sure what to make of the whole "Grand" mom, ma, mother,..uhg! thing. My comment for the past nine months has been, 'I'm too young to be a grandma!" Well, I am, but...

Something happens to you that just as with parenthood, no current grand can explain to you. You have to experience it just as a parent cannot feel what that is like via another parent's explanation -- no matter how eloquently spoken.

For me, it was the blessing of being the 'night shift' care taker for the little one. I would come in at night to sit with the baby to let his mama rest. It wasn't an easy job, physically. I am old enough to know that sleep isn't something you can just go without and not pay for. However, it was a precious sacrifice. The night time with a newborn is a sweet time. Rarely do eyes open. Cries bellow out, or whimper out, in this little lad's case. Fists clench. Legs curl and straighten, but eyes are tightly closed. Nourishment is all that is required. Well, that and a new diaper. Not sure they really know what is a worse experience their first days of life..that weird thing on their hiney or that odd feeling in the tummy.

My little grandson has proven to be an amazing soul, already. His daddy was blessed with a new job the week he was born and left for training in another state the week after. This was a hard spot for a new mama to be in, luckily for me, I didn't have anything better to do than sit beside a crib and wait to be needed. The signs of a sweet and patient nature are already present. He reminds me so much of his daddy.

The best gift was four wonderful days with him all to myself. Mom and dad were needing some time together and some support from each other. Nana stepped in and took over baby duties giving the new parents time to ease into this new job of theirs (both the work and the parenthood). It was awesome and tiring and more awesomeness and exhaustion.

From all of this...something wonderful happened...a little to this world..knows me. I can tell by the look on his very young and tiny face when he hears my voice. What an amazing thing. What beautiful peace fills me when we connect this way. He trusts me, he feels comfort and love from me and he expresses joy when we are together. Oh, sure, he still has periods of just plain old baby fussy times. That, in and of itself is a wonder too. Gone are those days of a nervous new mom or wife anxious to have it all together before husband comes home. Gone are the days when the pressure to do all weighed equal to the pressure the baby plied to my day. Now all I need to do is just sit and be.
