Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Peaceable Walk With the Children of Men..

This line comes from the quote on my blog header. I've been thinking about this alot lately as it has had application in several areas of my present days.

Over the past couple of weeks my brother, sister and I have been sorting our parent's temporal belongings. I have heard from many that this can be a challenging experience and tests the relationships of siblings. In my case, there was only peace. I don't think for a moment feelings were hurt in any way. I know my parents are pleased with what has taken place as they look upon the world they left and have watched how their children have dealt peaceably with one another.

In another set of circumstances this verse from Moroni lays heavy upon my heart as I am called upon yet again to find this virtue and apply the crucial principles. I find myself in this space more than I ever thought possible for one soul. I am troubled with a heavy decision and know that no progress can happen until I come to a peaceable place within.

As I look back upon previous posts I see a thread that has been present in my walk. A quote that I posted some time back struck me hard today. Here's a re-post:

The greatest need of this old world today is peace. The turbulent storms of hate, of enmity, of distrust, and of sin are threatening to wreck humanity. It is time for men—true men—to dedicate their lives to God, and to cry with the spirit and power of the Christ, ‘Peace, be still…. ‘ (Mark 4:39.)” (David O. McKay, Gospel Ideals, p.295).

I pray for a stillness and peace to lay a gentle blanket upon my soul and wrap me tenderly in a resolve stronger than I have had before. That no matter the out-come of the decision made -- peace, truth, and a stillness that connects me to the healing balm of the Master's touch will strengthen me and help me through.