Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Approaching Year's End

As I approach the end of the year and realize that my un-met goal is not a total loss, I have learned through the journey. I am realizing the restoral of peace to a troubled soul will also be a process. As I continue on this walk, learning to 'obtain sufficient hope' and learning to be a 'peaceable follower of Christ' parts of the process will be easy and others not so much. I'm learning that burying swords is going to add to my peace but are harder to accomplish that other traits and goals. I'm learning that with some it is easier to turn the other cheek. Yet I struggle to do so with a particular few.

I do believe more strongly in my quest than I did at the beginning of the year. As I said, it was difficult to keep up with it all on the level that I wanted to. Homeschooling and trying to keep my business going in the down-turned economy was always a detracter from my desire to journal and blog and record the thoughts and changes I was trying to have take place. Still, two steps forward are better than not begun.

2010 hedges closer and as I extend my goal to learn to have a more peaceable walk I am in earnest, desiring to be taught by the Spirit of the Lord what this means to Him for me. I know saying that it means more test and more trials. I pray for strenght to bear them. As I have seen others struggle with their trials this year I have been encouraged in bearing burdens. I have learned lessons that I hope and pray I'll be able to call upon when and if a time comes my way where it is just too much.

Peace, be still....