Tuesday, October 16, 2012

When A Country Needs Peace

For the past couple of weeks the debates have been a hot issue.  It isn't peaceful watching grown men debate.  Often there is shouting, finger pointing, and talking over one another.  There is no doubt that we need peace in our land.  There is no debate about the condition of the United States government.

We know that we are blessed to live in a land of promise.  We are grateful for our freedoms.  However, there are evil forces at work in this land.  Forces that do not promote the ideals of our Founding Father or the kind of peace that we believe should be a part of this great land.

In the Doctrine and Covenants we read: "I established the Constitution of this land, by the hands of wise men whom I raised up unto this very purpose."(D&C 101:80).   And in verse 77 of that section; " According to the laws and constitution of the people, which I have suffered to be established..."  From these verses we know the hand of the Lord was in the forming of the laws and government of this country.   Therefore the stewardship is placed on us from Heaven to choose leaders that believe in these principles and strive to sustain them.

The sense of turmoil is palatable as the day of vote casting approaches.  I believe for the most part, fellow American across the board want to make a good choice in who they vote for.  Not as many realize the great stewardship this right hold which is what worries me.  The media, the debates, the endless bashing campaign commercials, the barrage of political mail to get the candidate's name out front is a huge contributor to the confusion.  Where in all of these chaos does one find the truth.

Though we, as citizens of this country, have agency to cast a vote, we are and will continue to be in the hands of the Lord.  This earth and it's inhabitants are here but for a short time.  All of this business of government and election and politics will one day come to major change.  I look forward to the day when the Kingdom of God and His government are present and in force upon the earth.  When peace will be present among all.

Still, we will be accountable to the Father for the choices we make here.  So study the issues and candidates well.  Pray for guidance and for the inspiration of the spirit to guide you as you make your voting choices.

My prayers each day include a petition to the powers of heaven to bless the people of this land with wisdom to choose according to the will of God.  I pray that we will have leaders that are Godly men and women with integrity towards he positions they hold.

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