Monday, January 12, 2009

Gratitude 11 & 12 of 365 and Walk Day 3

I don't usually get online on Sunday. I can see that my posts for Monday will likely contain two gratitudes.

Sunday's gratitude is about music. I love music and am grateful for the calling I have in my ward to conduct. It stretches me. It's not something I'm comfortable with in public. I can do it fine when I don't feel I'm being watched -- but what conductor is not watched? I'm grateful for the time to improve this skill and also to be the one to help bring the spirit into our meeting with the hymns we sing.

Today's gratitude is education. As I sit at home today and work with my 7 year old I am grateful that I have this time with her. We have struggles, but I have been given the ability to help see what she needs as a student and to work with those individually. So many times as a classroom teacher I would notice things and just not have the time and resources to do justice to 25 individuals. It was sad to me as a teacher and mother. I am grateful that right now my daughter has just one student to wait on -- herself. I am grateful for a home schooled education and for the blessing of being able to instill values into our curriculum that align with principles we hold to. Each day we speak of knowledge and why it is so important. Each day we are blessed to spend the day learning together. I am grateful for this.

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